【卡地夫大學 X 臺北大學系列講座】

  • 國立臺北大學 電機工程學系
  • 三月 20, 2023
📌 日期:3/23-3/31
📌 時間:17:10-20:15
🔥 報名連結: https://forms.gle/QCo3pFNkp1MeeaTS7

【Cardiff University X NTPU Collaborative Lecture Series】

NTPU is very honoured to invite speakers from Cardiff University, UK to give us the lecture series. They will discuss urban sustainability and public policy issues from different perspectives.
Welcome all faculty and students to join us!
📌 Date:3/23-3/31
📌 Time:17:10-20:15
🔥 Sign up now:https://forms.gle/QCo3pFNkp1MeeaTS7